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Season 3: Ep#3: Amazon is Still Relevant with Betsy McGinn

We've got Betsy McGinn, eCommerce and Amazon expert on today's show!  

Betsy helps brands strengthen their strategic direction, on Amazon and their own Direct-to-Consumer eCommerce, and will lead you through every step of this complex channel, to ensure a profitable online business!...

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Season 3 Ep#2: Using Amazon as a Marketing Platform

It's getting harder and harder to make a profit on Amazon.

Lately we've been counseling clients to view Amazon as a marketing platform, and remove it as a sales function.

Today Ashlee and I spill all the deets on how we're directing clients, and what action steps to take.

> > >...

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Season 3: Ep1: Bricks & Clicks Podcast Relaunch

We took a hiatus for 1 year while my company, Growth Spurt Sales and Marketing made some big updates post-covid, by adding a full suite of marketing services and D2C offerings.

Let's get you caught up!

> > > Podcast Episode: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/9KZLhfEM7xb

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