Weekly Newsletter

Create Added Value For Your Shoppers This Season

Are you capitalizing this season on extra value-adds that you can share with your shoppers?

If not, why aren’t you?

It’s free, and just takes a bit of time and energy.

Take 5 minutes and brainstorm what problem your product or offering solves.

Then create something to offer as a downloadable to your shoppers or clients.

Remember this is the perfect way to capture extra traffic and gather up emails from humans that want to do business with You, so:

  • Ensure you have Google Analytics plugged into your website to see who’s dropping by.
  • Add an email capture form and start gathering emails to use next year.

Here’s an example of a Thanksgiving menu that I created for an Amazon client.

She’s sending it to her Amazon shoppers, with a link to download the recipes on her website. Of course she has an email capture form on her website so that she’s capturing everyone’s contact info!

5 Ways To Give Back To Your Shopper This Season:

  • Use Canva (online design platform) for free graphics and branded designs.
  • Create a guide with tips to teach how to do something.
  • Create a menu for your food products.
  • Send useful tips of how to cope with family and stress if you’re in the mental health space.
  • Get creative!