Weekly Newsletter
Understanding Individuation in Relationships: A Path to Personal Growth and Stronger Bonds

I am in charge of my OWN feelings... 

This week I've been working with clients on Individuation.

I am responsible for MY feelings.. not my partner's, or my kids', or my mother's.

Sometimes we find ourself feeling responsible for other people's emotions.

We don't want them to be angry with...

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EP#82: Conscious Kink with Ashley Garcia

Are you curious about kink and how it can be a healthy and fulfilling aspect of a relationship? In this episode I sit down with Ashley Garcia, a sex and relationship coach specializing in kink and conscious communication, to explore conscious kink and its role in relationships.

We begin by...

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Conscious Coparenting These Days

So much is happening in my world and I wanted to update you!

If you're new to my blog, I wrote a bunch of posts a little more than a year ago about the uncoupling of my 2nd marriage.

Over the past year, so much has happened.

We divorced.

My partner Scott moved in.

After 6 months of building our...

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EP#77: How to Lovingly Break Up with Jennifer Ruscin

There is a better way to break up with people, and I'm committed to showing how it's possible with my own life.

After 2 ex-husbands and a full-time life partner that currently co-parent my boys with me, I've discovered how to coexist peacefully and lovingly with my current and past partners.


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EP#76: Men: Decoding the Dating Mystery with Jake Voss

This week I have Jake Voss on the podcast. Jake is a fashion consultant, IT manager for a school system, boy dad, and lover of snowboarding.


Post-divorce, Jake has taken the time to figure out how to date well, and today he’s here to give men a guidebook on how to land dates....

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EP#75: Aftercare Post-Sex: Creating an Intentional Practice

At the beginning of this podcast I talk about how freaking sad my sex life was for the first two decades of my life. In this clip I share with you what it was like to have sex with Scott for the first time.

The amount of care and intention he put into setting a beautiful space, having...

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EP#74: 64 First Dates with Talia Koren

Talia Koren is the podcast host of Dating Intentionally: https://datingintentionally.podbean.com/ and I’ve been fangirling over her content for months.

(Be sure and follow her on Instagram! It’s sooo good.)

On today’s show we talk about:

  • What dating is like in 2023
  • ...
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Ep#69: How to Keep Long Term Sex HOT with Scott & Jen

In the spirit of 69’ing… which is all about reciprocity… mutual pleasure…. mutual desire… the “I’m so turned on I’ve gotta have you in my mouth RIGHT NOW” energy…

Today’s episode is about how to keep long term relationships...

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Ep#64: Seducing the Universe with Danielle Addison

Danielle Addison, owner of Simply Magnetic is a coach that teaches others how to harness the power of magnetism and feminine energies to get what you want.

I had Danielle on Episode #31: The Energy of $20K months: what it takes for creating multiple 5 figure months with ease.

I’ve been...

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But is it actually true?

“But is it true?”

This is the question I finally came to after an hour of conversation and some tears.

Let me back up…

Yesterday I had a woo-facial with my esthetician Taylar, and what came up for me was that I was feeling boxed in within an area of my life.

This is a trigger...

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There Are No S*xual Incompatibilities

Yes, you read that right. And I'm completely blown away as well.

Let me take a step back and talk about this past weekend, when my partner Scott and I attended a s*x workshop by Jaiya and Ian from the show S*x, Love & Goop on Netflix.

I learned that there are 5 ways that we as...

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Being Taken Care Of

I didn't realize until just a second ago how safe I feel to just take care of me.

Because he can take care of us. All 3 of us.

This morning Scott got up and I stayed in bed. For several hours.

He made coffee. And I knew if the boys woke up and wanted something he'd just fix them something.

He was...

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