Weekly Newsletter
Life Alchemy: Creating The Life of Your Dreams

I’ve always been good at creating things. In the “woo world” we call this “manifesting”.

It’s incredibly important that we get SUPER clear about what we want to manifest, or we can bring about what we DON'T want.

I’ll tell you my story in a few...

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Whole Health Tips with Trainer Tony Hatch

One day I realized that I kept thinking to myself that my dryer must be shrinking my clothes. I noticed that each time I put on clothes they seemed to fit tighter and tighter. But surely that’s the only explanation, right?

Just last week my husband was yammering on about how our scale must...

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Your Amazon Q4 Marketing Game Plan

Amazon just released 4 ways to get additional eyeballs on your item pages during Q4, and none of them have to do with PPC (pay per click) ads!

Sprinkle these activities into your Q4 plans in order to gain new followers and get a leg up on your competition.




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Want FREE Amazon Reviews? Check out Vine.

If you're a current Amazon Seller Central seller, stop what you're doing and sign up for Vine immediately!

In the past, Vine cost Vendor Central sellers up to $7,500 per review (insane, right?), but now this program is available to Seller Central sellers for FREE, now that the Early Reviewer...

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Coming Home With Amber Glover

I was watching her social media feeds and there's Amber and her kids at the beach. And then a week later, Amber's still at the beach.

And I'm like, what is happening?

I realized that Amber Dougan Glover had created this life that she really wanted to live.

You know, she's not a slave to the desk or...

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Get Read for BTS!

It's that time of the year again- Back to School! My kids are so ready to see their friends after spending almost the entire last school year at home.

We've already bought the backpacks and school supplies.

Ya'll, they are READY!

My kiddos are not alone- the world is ready to (try to) get back to...

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3 Steps to Growing Business Visibility

Today I’m with Annalise Worn, who helps impact driven entrepreneurs master their own lead generation, so they can attract all the clients they need to grow their businesses, simply.

Here are my notes from our conversation:

#1: The buyer journey - Provide value.

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Building Beautiful Websites with Courtney Michelle

Today I’m talking with my website designer, Courtney Michelle, a Kajabi designer and funnel strategist for female creatives. 

I met Courtney in a Facebook Group for course creators, and was so excited when she talked about her ability to migrate entire Wordpress websites over to...

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Do you have any limiting beliefs?
Like, I'll always have a mom bod because I have kids.
Or I must stay married because Jesus hates divorce (even if I'm in an abusive relationship).
Or running will ruin my knees.
I talk about ways to bust through limiting beliefs over on my business Facebook page!
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Education Levels Up Your Biz
In 2019 I spent over $30,000 just on education alone.
Conferences, masterminds, mentors, I'm completely convinced that my business is where it is today because I continuously invest in myself.
I traveled a bunch for these events - LA, Toronto, Charleston, and even Hawaii!
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3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Know You're on the Right Path
Sometimes people have a hard time understanding how to create a life they want to wake up to each morning.
It's really not all that hard. You just say not to anything that isn't what you want.
Want to create a life that allows you to be centered, present, aligned with your...
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Manifest Memorable Family Trips From a Place of Abundance

I'd like to share a real life example of how I manifest awesome family trips from a place of abundance . My kiddos (the oldest 10 year old especially) wanted to visit New York.

A few months before Christmas in 2019 he really started talking about it and asking when we could go. Because my...

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