Weekly Newsletter
What if it Could be Easy?
What if it Could be Easy?
You are probably making your life difficult.

Don't get mad at me.

Take a good audit of your current reality, and make a list of all of the things about it that you HATE.

  • Being stuck at home
  • Cooking
  • Not having time to workout
  • Exhaustion
  • Lack of joy
  • No...
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Walmart Open Call Success + 4 Tips for Approaching Walmart stores to Get a "yes" and Placement on Shelf.

Last fall I coached 2 brands before they met with Walmart buyers for Open Call (formerly called the Made in USA Summit).

BOTH companies got into Walmart stores!

One of them just hit select stores in Florida.

Here are 4 tips for approaching Walmart stores to get a "yes" and placement on shelf.


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5 Tips for Theme Park Vacations

Last week the kids, grandma, and I spent a couple days at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. 

This was my 4th theme park visit, the other 3 at Disney World, and I feel like I've got a pretty good grasp about how to do theme parks efficiently, and with the least amount of stress.


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10 Travel Tips in a Post-Covid World

I’ve got some travel advice now that I’m on my 3rd trip this year (& a 4th coming in hot at the end of this month).

1. Take snacks. Lots of snacks. Half of the restaurants are closed even in major hubs like ATL. Avoid that “hangry” feeling by being prepared!


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What You Speak About Becomes Your Reality

Last week I visited my 96 year old grandmother in Savannah for her birthday. We missed her big 95th last year because of Covid, and were all anxious to finally get together and see her, so we had a bit of a reunion.


It's been 10-15 years since I've seen all of my dad's side of the family,...

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Get Ready for Prime Day

It’s time to start preparing for Prime Day!

If you’re already in Vendor or Seller Central, you have already seen notifications from Amazon to get your Prime Day inventory in.

So let’s chat about how you can prepare now to be sure you rock the pants off Amazon’s biggest...

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Step #2: Brand your products to Magnetize your Ideal Customer

Goodwipes does this so beautifully. Their ICA is a millennial on the go. They’re not branding for grandmas.

My Walmart presentation deck said in giant letters “You’re a VAGENIUS”. We got a 600 store test and 4 items in the largest retailer in the world.

It worked.

Is your...

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Step #1: Create a product for your ICA

Ever feel like you need a special dictionary for the business world?

It’s OK to not know all the terms used by retailers and marketers. I’m here to help break down this acronym-filled world for you!

“Who is your ICA?”: means “Ideal Customer Avatar”, or in...

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Encouraging my Kids to Dream Big

I’ve become a firm believer in signs from the Universe. It’s like a nudge that I’m on the right path, or doing the right thing. That I’m in alignment.

I’ve found that there are 2 ways I know I’m aligned these days. Tesla sightings (which is actually...

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Master Life Through Your Calendar

I'd like to share a secret with you. In order to get what you want, all you have to do it put it on your calendar, block it off, and do it!

I know, sounds mysteriously easy, right?

Well, it is! Just about everything in life is way simpler than we make it out to be.

Let me talk you through how to...

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You Can Do It!

George Lawrence, Founder of Merchantwords, an Amazon search frequency platform, empowers us to leave our day jobs to become entrepreneurs. This is his story.

"If you're going to take action, there's no better day than today, but if I could go back and tell my younger self anything, it would be,...

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Magic & Margaritas

Life is full of magic. And I've learned that there are several ways to "fan the flames" to encourage more if it, if you wish the magic to be abundant.

1. Acknowledge that you see it.

I wrote a blog post about how to identify you're in alignment with the Universe HERE.

2. State your intention...

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