Weekly Newsletter
Pleasure is Your Birthright

I’m amazed at just how much pleasure is offered to me on a daily basis.

A cool breeze on my body

The sound of my wind chimes

My long hair blowing in the wind across my shoulders and chest

Hot water on my body in the shower

The fragrance of my soap

Fingers massaging my scalp

A sensual...

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In today's hustle culture, it's popular to never stop.

From an 8-10 hour day in a cubicle, to carting kids around to extra curricular activities, then scarfing down fast food.... we wear busy as a badge of honor.

I'm over it.

I've never been a fan of Gary Vee or Tony Robbins because they...

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We Can Do Hard Things

Intuitive Business Coach and Content Magic Maker Su Guillory talks with us today about living life with the mantra of "I can do hard things".

She moves to Italy in just a few months, and dream coming true that she's been working toward for years.

I pop in and talk about living intentionally...

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One Person's Trash is Another One's Treasure

The other day I realized the beauty that each human has a unique match to another human.

That one person’s discarded human is another one’s treasure.
Body Chemistry
Even body chemistry ๐Ÿงช is specifically oriented human-by-human.
Just yesterday I told Scott I was...
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Homework Can Be Hard
Sometimes the work is hard.
Homework, that is.
I had a client recently come to crossroads in his marriage.
Have the hard conversation that he wants his relationship to change OR ignore the problems, and continue half-living in his partnership.
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Open Relationships 101

Way back at the beginning of time, over the millions of years that we have been humans, we have seen different kinds of relationships emerge, different kinds of societies take place.

We're currently in a very patriarchal society that considers relationships to be ownership and property.

In my ...

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It's Moving Week!

When I make a decision to do something... anything... I'm all in.

My boyfriend Scott and I had a conversation at the end of February that we both wanted to try a monogamous relationship, so I headed to Costa Rica and allowed that trip to be a bridge from my open relationship life to closing that...

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The Next Version of Me
Today I was sitting in my therapist's office and at the end of the session, we were both reflecting on how far I've come in just 1 year.
Last year at this time:
> A veil had fallen and I was seeing for the first time how lackluster my sex life was
> I...
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Sit Down Into It

NOTE: This podcast is not kid-friendly and we talk about s*x, and mention the word p*ssy a few times... Grab those earbuds!

Welcome to this really special podcast my esthetician Taylar Townzen and I recorded about how to "sit down into" who we are in order to feel the feelings and move forward in...

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Soaring Gas Prices Means More Walmart Shoppers


As gas and commodity prices skyrocket, shoppers flock to Walmart.

Walmart has built a promise on EDLP, Everyday Low Price, and this is where they shine.

If Walmart isn't part of your sales strategy, now might be the time to make it be so.

When the economy tanks, where can shoppers go to...

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The Universe Drops Perfectly Aligned People into our Lives

The Universe drops perfectly aligned humans directly into my life.

I see evidence of it EVERYWHERE.

> I’ve never had to put up a “We’re Hiring” sign, but have hired over 20+ team members over the years.

> My clients are happy and their sales growing. They pay my on time...

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Burning Sh*t Up

Let’s talk about burning shit up, like this volcano in Costa Rica.

Burnin’ Up My Business:

When I think about my business and all of the iterations of me I’ve had to kill off to become the CEO I am today, there are a pile of Jennifer’s on the ground behind me.

The me that:...

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