Weekly Newsletter
50% of the World Is Living in an Open Relationship: Jessica Esfandiary

Today on the podcast I have Jessica Esfandiary, podcast host of Open Late, she also leads, retreats, sound bowl meditations and events, and she has a mentorship program called “Awaken your Inner Healer”.

Jessica lives in LA with her husband and her partner Lauren.

Today we discuss her...

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Conscious Communicationing the HELL Out of My Relationship

(This is me bringing some Fall Fair energy into this crazy roller coaster ride that conscious relationshipping is!)

Tonight I wanted to share our latest relationship win.

We are conscious communicationing the HELL out of our relationship.

I've been sharing my open relationship story for the past...

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The Boudoir Photoshoot That Changed my Life

Over the past decade I chose a safe relationship that allowed me to be in a place of healing, and step into the goddess... the priestess... the creatrix that I am today.

I birthed multiple business.

Created millions of dollars in revenue.

Invested in myself.

Traveled and went to conferences.


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Open Relationships Part II

Back in April I brought my friends Tony & Cristina on my podcast and we recorded Open Relationships 101.

It turned out to be my most listened to podcast, ever, and I've created about 100 podcasts over the last few years.

They're back for a Part II!

Today's conversation is focused on...

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But is it actually true?

“But is it true?”

This is the question I finally came to after an hour of conversation and some tears.

Let me back up…

Yesterday I had a woo-facial with my esthetician Taylar, and what came up for me was that I was feeling boxed in within an area of my life.

This is a trigger...

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There Are No S*xual Incompatibilities

Yes, you read that right. And I'm completely blown away as well.

Let me take a step back and talk about this past weekend, when my partner Scott and I attended a s*x workshop by Jaiya and Ian from the show S*x, Love & Goop on Netflix.

I learned that there are 5 ways that we as...

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Coming to Your Relationship FULL

Last Fall I watched Gwyneth Paltrow's Sex,  Love and Goop.... and it changed my life.

I even wrote a blog post about it!

One of the practitioners and her partner, Jaiya and Ian, have an online course and community that I joined right after watching the show.

I attend weekly live Zoom calls,...

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How to Have Crazy-High Email Marketing Open Rates

It took me YEARS of creating content for my email marketing to realize that absolutely no one wants to hear my talk about my day job - helping brands sell into Walmart and Amazon.

And that's interesting, considering I have just under 10,000 contacts in my email database - almost all from...

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Up-Level Your Company's Vibe to Increase Sales!

It's so much fun to get to be a part of launching new brands to market, or helping them with a brand refresh.

We got to start from the very foundational basics with a new client recently - creating a Brand Guide.

Brand Guides ensure that your company remains consistent across all platforms...

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Building Endurance

Today I want to talk about endurance.

It's super important to be able to stick things out.

Like a tough challenge at work. Although the project might suck, you've gotta finish it because your team or clients are counting on you.

In your workouts. I've found the easiest way to build endurance here...

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Being Taken Care Of

I didn't realize until just a second ago how safe I feel to just take care of me.

Because he can take care of us. All 3 of us.

This morning Scott got up and I stayed in bed. For several hours.

He made coffee. And I knew if the boys woke up and wanted something he'd just fix them something.

He was...

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Pleasure is Your Birthright

I’m amazed at just how much pleasure is offered to me on a daily basis.

A cool breeze on my body

The sound of my wind chimes

My long hair blowing in the wind across my shoulders and chest

Hot water on my body in the shower

The fragrance of my soap

Fingers massaging my scalp

A sensual...

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