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Step #2: Brand your products to Magnetize your Ideal Customer

Goodwipes does this so beautifully. Their ICA is a millennial on the go. They’re not branding for grandmas.

My Walmart presentation deck said in giant letters “You’re a VAGENIUS”. We got a 600 store test and 4 items in the largest retailer in the world.

It worked.

Is your branding attracting the right shopper for your product? Is anyone interacting with your social media posts? That’s a good indicator.

Google Analytics, Instagram and Facebook provide excellent analytics about who is interacting with your posts, so that’s a good start. If your product is geared towards young adults but old grandpa’s are the only ones liking and sharing your posts, then you have a problem.

I like to start with a competitive audit. Check out what your competition is doing, then compare it with your own branding. Is yours on par?

I break down this process with a real life exercise that I used with celebrity chef Pat Neely. Download the case study on Day 2 of my Free Retail Success Challenge.

Want to learn more about my proven step-by-step retail success process?

Join my private Facebook group of like minded business owners today: http://bit.ly/retail-success-mastermind

How to attract millennial shoppers?

Are you trying to attract shoppers that want ease and convenience in their shopping experience, have disposable income, and are looking for healthy and better for your products? Well, you’re targeting what we define as the “millennial shopper”.

Here’s a great tip to attract them: You must have a beautifully branded, well-functioning website!

I literally just shut down a browser page within 5 seconds of viewing a potential company I was thinking about hiring because of the difficulty to navigate, there was no “click here to get service” button, and it looked like an old generation website. The stock photos of people on the website were wearing stuffy suites. It didn’t look like the kind of place I wanted to spend time, energy and money dealing with. Next!

A successful investment is in your branding and website creation.

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